The “bi-lobed arrow” motif may be a regionally stylized version of the Mesoamerican cruciform headdress often worn by the Maize God and more rarely the Rain God as a sign of his connection to maize. The emergence of the maize plant can be discerned as the classic Mesoamerican “tripartite maize” form.
The Olmec maize or rain god can be identified by cruciform maize sprouting from its cleft head. The downturned mouth is a prominent motive in Olmec art to mark deities, and even later Zapotec and Maya cultures continued this tradition. In Mississippian traditions, this deity is also combined into one aspect, the Morning Star, bringer of the seed and rain. He is the Hunter and Thunderer, and as a great medicine man he is able to transform himself into an arrow.
Image: Copper plate in the form of a "bi-lobed arrow".
Olmec stone "lightning celt" with maize god.
Rogan copper plate #2 depicting a deity wearing the "bi-lobed" motif. Found at Etowah, Georgia. Possibly made at Cahokia during the 13th Century.
Another example of a stone celt depicting an Olmec maize god.
The famous "foliated cross" carving found at the Maya site of Palenque (Drawing by Linda Schele).
Sketch of another Maya carving by Linda Schele.
Image with similar elements during the Post Classic (Codex Borgia).
Floral sprouts commonly found on Maya ceramic vessels.
Bean sprouts.
The "ceremonial mace", one of the most commonly found symbols in Mississippian iconography, in all likelihood represents a flower or some kind of vegetative growth. The shape and design is more reminiscent of a plant than a weapon. In many representations the cross is also incorporated, adding to its likely role as a source of creation and not a source of violence or destruction.
It also has some connection with the tasseled stick used in the ceremonial game of chunkey, as it is also seen broken in a similar manner.
Seeing it in conjunction with a severed head would easily give the impression that it is being used as a weapon. However, the severed head is likely not a victim of the individual carrying the head, but someone that is cherished or being returned in some kind of heroic act. As discussed on this site, this theme, the act of one losing one's head and then being reborn, is repeated time and again in native myth across the continent.
Image: Line drawing of Mississippian being carrying "mace".
"Soon the fish came to the surface of the water and the people shot them with arrows and had a great feast" -Creek Myth
This image was found carved on a shell from Spiro Mounds, Oklahoma.
Similar image and design used in the ceramics of the Mimbres culture of the Southwestern United States.
Detail from the headdress of a Mississippian Birdman.
Casas Grande Jar with "bird head".
On this image from a Mississippian gorget we see circular markings along the being's body as is commonly found in Mesoamerica. (Moore 1907)
Circular markings found along the body of Tlaloc from the Codex Laud.
Gorget found at Etowah, Georgia. (Dye 2017)
A seated deity wears a fishlike headdress strikingly similar to those worn by individuals in Mississippian art (Codex Borbonicus).
Here we see one of the clearest examples of a Mississippian headdress with characteristics similar to those in Mesoamerica.
Again we see a fishlike crown on the headdress of a Mesoamerican deity, much like representations in Mississippian art.
Mesoamerican bundle.
Again we see a fishlike crown on the headdress of a Mississippian deity, as well as a Mesoamerican style bundle.
Mesoamerican bundle tied on the headdress of Quetzalcoatl.
Similar bundle on the head of one of the twins found on a shell at Spiro, Oklahoma.
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